13 June, 2010

An interesting conversation

This happened a few months ago now, but I have been meaning to post it here. Americans: What is your response? Names have been changed.

John________ April 11 at 1:06am
Now listen, you have an intelligent sense if humour. I was out with all these "theatre" homo, who were as usual "advising" who should sing in what etc. Anyway, one mentioned writing a new musical, and I suggested 9/11 the musical, and the title song could be "it's raining men"...NOW...I think that's funny, but only one other did, who I hasten to add, is intelligent...Answer on a postcard. X

This was mine:
Michael __________April 11 at 12:58pm

Well, I can certainly see why only one person thought that was funny; most Americans are still quite sensitive about 9/11, and I would not expect that to change anytime in the near future. I think your joke is almost funny, but you must admit, it's a bit macabre; you probably would have had more luck outside of NY. Generally, I would assume that making a comical reference to the hundreds of people who jumped out of the towers to their deaths, while the entire world was watching--to people who likely witnessed it--is seen to be disastrously poor taste.

I mean, to suggest that a musical should be produced commemorating 9/11 is one thing--even though it would be a questionable medium artistically to commemorate such a tragic event. But to also suggest that it be funny (since "It's Raining Men" falls well short of serious) is pretty strongly grounded in what most people would likely describe as insensitivity to not only the current, fragile American condition, but also and especially, offensive to those relatives of people who had to wait WEEKS to find out if their loved ones were alive, only to find out that they were peeled off the pavement after jumping to their deaths in desperation.

Now, like you, I am not easily offended. But if I had been present to hear you say that--and I hate to bring this into the conversation, but it's important in this context--especially as a foreign citizen living in the US, I would have launched into a tirade like the one you just read. I would have attempted to explain to you--American citizen or not--why things as tragic as 9/11 or the holocaust SHOULD NEVER be joked about.

Besides those directly affected, the ENTIRE WORLD was indirectly affected by the destruction of the WTC. So an attempt to make it funny--especially so soon--is really not funny at all, but rather quite shocking in the comments' implicit suggestions that mass murder be somehow humorous.

Because it just isn't, John.

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